Consent Management

Website Consent

Ensures that your website complies with global privacy laws and regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. Listed prices are per domain, and you always start your subscription with a free 30-day trial.

Listed prices are per domain, and you always start your subscription with a free 30-day trial.


For growing businesses that want to achieve compliance and need only the most essential features

✓ Customizable cookie banner

✓ Cookie Policy

✓ Weekly cookie scans


€ 15 / per month

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Most popular


For businesses that want to have complete control over their compliance with advanced consent insights and monitoring of privacy risks

✓ Everything from Essential

✓ Advanced consent insights

✓ Privacy risk monitoring


€ 34 / per month

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For businesses with custom requirements that want to achieve compliance and get the highest level of support and insights

✓ Customized configurations

✓ Higher scan frequency

✓ Custom support agreements


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Essential gives you:

✓ Customizable cookie banner

✓ Weekly cookie scans

✓ 25,000 monthly consents

✓ Automatically updated cookie policy

✓ Support for 42 languages

✓ Pre-built banner templates

✓ Consent storage in the EU/EAA

✓ IAB TCF 2.2 Support

✓ Ticket, chat and phone support

Reporting and insights

✓ Essential cookie overview

✓ Data filtering

✓ 7-day consent rate

✓ Data exporting (.xlsx or CSV.)

Google Consent Mode

Reduce blind spots in Google Analytics and Google Ads from users who reject cookies through contextual analytics

Consent log

Easily document your compliance with a complete overview of all your consents

Professional gives you:

✓Everything from Essential

✓Advanced consent insights and risk monitoring

Privacy Risk Summary

Get an easy overview of all cookie-related privacy risks on your website

Full consent rate

See your consent rate for any given period and get insights into which specific categories of cookies your visitors decline

Cookie expiration overview

Get an overview of cookies that don’t meet the GDPR lifespan requirements

Unclassified cookies overview

Get an overview of unclassified cookies on your consent solutions or domains. This way, you can easily find and classify them and inform your users about who receives the data

Schrems II monitoring

Get an overview of where your cookies send data to and stay on top of data transfers to insecure third countries

Enterprise gives you:

A plan tailored exclusively to meet your business’s unique needs and scale. Our Enterprise plan offers a flexible and scalable solution, ensuring you get exactly what you need.

Recommended if you want Website Consent across several domains, have advanced setup requirements or custom needs, such as:

✓ Customized configurations

✓ Higher scan frequency

✓ Custom support agreements

Most popular


For businesses that want to achieve compliance and get additional insights, including monitoring of data transfers and privacy risks

✓ Everything from Essential

✓ Advanced consent insights

✓ Privacy risk monitoring


€ 34 / per month

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Professional gives you:

✓Everything from Essential

✓Advanced consent insights and risk monitoring

Privacy Risk Summary

Get an easy overview of all cookie-related privacy risks on your website

Full consent rate

See your consent rate for any given period and get insights into which specific categories of cookies your visitors decline 

Cookie expiration overview

Get an overview of cookies that don’t meet the GDPR lifespan requirements

Unclassified cookies overview

Get an overview of unclassified cookies on your consent solutions or domains. This way, you can easily find and classify them and inform your users about who receives the data

Schrems II monitoring

Get an overview of where your cookies send data to and stay on top of data transfers to insecure third countries


For growing businesses that need the essential tools to achieve compliance

✓ Customizable cookie banner

✓ Cookie Policy

✓ Weekly cookie scans


€ 15 / per month

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Essential gives you:

✓ Customizable cookie banner

✓ Weekly cookie scans

✓ 25,000 monthly consents

✓ Automatically updated cookie policy

✓ Support for 42 languages

✓ Pre-built banner templates

✓ Consent storage in the EU/EAA

✓ IAB TCF 2.2 Support

✓ Ticket, chat and phone support

Reporting and insights

✓ Essential cookie overview

✓ Data filtering

✓ 7-day consent rate

✓ Data exporting (.xlsx or CSV.)

Google Consent Mode

Reduce blind spots in Google Analytics and Google Ads from users who reject cookies through contextual analytics

Consent log

Easily document your compliance with a complete overview of all your consents


For businesses with custom requirements that want to achieve compliance and get the highest level of support and insights

✓ Customized configurations

✓ Higher scan frequency

✓ Custom support agreements


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Enterprise gives you:

A plan tailored exclusively to meet your business’s unique needs and scale. Our Enterprise plan offers a flexible and scalable solution, ensuring you get exactly what you need.  

Recommended if you want Website Consent across several domains, have advanced setup requirements or custom needs, such as:

✓ Customized configurations

✓ Higher scan frequency

✓ Custom support agreements

Need additional monthly consents? arrow-up

The pricing models in our Essential and Professional packages include 25.000 monthly consents. Accounts with a higher traffic volume will be charged additionally:

Above 25,000

9 € Per month

Above 50,000

19 € Per month

Above 100,000

€ 39 Per month

Above 250,000

79 € Per month

Above 500,000

149 € Per month

Above 1,000,000

209 € Per month

Above 1,500,000

269 € Per month

Mobile App Consent

Protégez la vie privée des utilisateurs de votre application et assurez la conformité RGPD et CCPA sur vos applications mobiles.

1,500€ par an

SDK iOS natif et SDK Android natif
API personnalisées pour les développeurs
Nombre illimité de consentements et de pages vues
Administration et stockage du consentement
Assistance technique à la mise en œuvre

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay by invoice?

For the sake of convenience, your subscription is paid by credit card. This is the default payment method and if you would like to pay by invoice instead, please contact our Support team at

Should I get my website scanned daily or weekly?

That depends on how frequently you implement changes to your domain. More frequent scans mean compliance risks get identified quicker. Likewise, more frequent scans mean a more frequently updated cookie banner and policy. We always recommend daily scans, as they ensure that everything is always updated. This is especially beneficial in the case of audits.

Please contact our Sales team if you wish to upgrade from weekly to daily scanning Contact Sales here.

How many subpages are being scanned?

The pricing models in our Essential and Professional packages are based on websites with up to 500 subpages. Websites up to 5000 subpages will be billed 20 EUR extra per month, and those over 5000 subpages will be charged 38 EUR extra per month.

How do I know how many monthly consents I have?

The number of monthly consents on a website will roughly correspond to the monthly unique visitors to your website from your analytics tool. The total number of consents you are then billed for is the sum of monthly consents from all domains within your account. So, let’s assume you are the owner of domain A and domain B. Domain A collects 10.000 consents on a monthly basis, and domain B collects 25.000 consents on a monthly basis, which means your total monthly consents is 10.000+25.000 = 35.000. The exact number will be recalculated quarterly and can be found by logging into your account and accessing the reporting tool. Your price increases according to how many monthly consents your entire account is collecting.

Up to 25.000 = included

Above 25.000 = +€9 per month

Above 50.000 = +€19 per month

Above 100.000 = +€39 per month

Above 250.000 = +€79 per month

Above 500.000 = +€149 per month

Above 1.000.000 = +€209 per month

Above 1.500.000 = +€269 per month

Do you have a customized plan?

Yes. Some companies have large portfolios of websites and complex setups. Please get in contact with our Sales Team to learn more about a tailor-made Consent Solution. Contact Sales here.

Choisissez de vous connecter sur:

* Connectez-vous à Consent Management pour accéder à votre bannière de consentement pour site web et votre compte Mobile App. Connectez-vous à Privacy & Compliance pour accèder à Data Discovery et Data Subject Request.

Choisissez de vous connecter sur:

* Connectez-vous à Consent Management pour accéder à votre bannière de consentement pour site web et votre compte Mobile App. Connectez-vous à Privacy & Compliance pour accèder à Data Discovery et Data Subject Request.


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