Limited offer for new customers: Sign up before March 15 and get Consent Mode v2 + 50% off your subscription!

Mobile App Consent

Increase trust through privacy-centric mobile app experiences

Give your app users transparency and control over what data is collected about them. Mobile App Consent lets you collect and manage user consents so you can provide a trusted app experience and comply with privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Ensures your compliance with global privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA

Protects your app users’ privacy and increases trust in your brand

Enables transparent and meaningful data collection

Efficient mobile consent management that secures your compliance with global privacy laws

Mobile App Consent enables your organization’s app to comply with global data protection regulations like ePrivacy, GDPR and CCPA. Mobile App Consent collects your users’ consent to your use of tracking SDK’s and the collection of other personal data. All consents are stored in-app and on secure servers within the EU. Compliance protects your organization from fines and app store rejection.

Increase trust by protecting your users' privacy

Show your customers you value their privacy by letting them control their own data. Mobile App Consent makes it easy for you to be transparent about what data you collect about your app users. By building privacy into the core of your mobile app, your organization can gain your user’s trust for a lifetime.


Easy to implement, easy to maintain

With support and documentation, your developers save time and resources by integrating a proven Mobile App Consent SDK. Available in 42 languages to support your operations in diverse cultures and markets. Works on both iOS and Android.


Collects your app users’ consents – stored on secure servers

Works on iOS and Android and supports 42 languages

Customizable consent pop-up to fit your app’s brand design

Enables your compliance with international privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA

Collects consent for SDK’s, newsletters, age restrictions, terms of service and much more

Offers transparency about your app’s data collection

Provide a trusted app experience and comply with privacy laws. Request a demo of Mobile App Consent today.


We’re offering an exclusive, limited time only discount for new customers just like you.

We’re offering an exclusive, limited time only discount for new customers just like you.